
3 Game Reviews w/ Response

All 7 Reviews

For some reason the game crashed for me midway trough, without apparent reason.
There is a seed here for what could be a good game. The lighting effects are quite nice, the art style could work with some more polish. Generally the 3D shapes in the world are rather nice.
However I have some pointers to keep in mind for future games:
- first off the game is cut off on the edges here in Newgrounds - test your game before you publish it!! Not sure what's causing this
- the game could have been quite atmospheric with some sound
- there is no reason NOT to fire - adding a reload delay and optionally ammo could lead to some tense situations of the zombies storming towards you while reloading
- consider providing some variety in the level design - maybe there are some more open, safe spaces and some tighter, dangerous ones where there is a higher chance of loot - currently it doesn't really matter where you stand in the level, you just need to aim and move a bit, so there is really no reason to explore the gameworld

Hope this is somewhat helpful! Keep at it :)

AAUSGD responds:

We just updated our game to a newer and improved version!. Check it out!

Thank you for your previous feedback, it helped us through the development. You will noticed some of your feedback has been taken in consideration!

Game crashed when I went in the pause menu and clicked on controls :/ Had to reload the game. Also the door on the very right at the start is cut off here on Newgrounds, had to watch a Playtrough video to get it.

Aside those issues, I really really enjoyed this! The game left me with sweaty hands and builds up tension instead of relying on cheap jumpscares.
Really like the atmosphere and overall art style of the game!

Keep it up!

redmountmedia responds:

Hello Tinyworlds,

I like your user name ^^ Yes, few other users also reported the problem with the dimensions where they weren't able to see the door. I will fix it, not a big fix fortunately.

Thank you for playing and I am glad you enjoyed the demo. If you would like to follow up the devlogs, please register yourself at www.ellen-game.com

Fun game, reminds me at an old game where you throw bumerangs at each other and set degree and strength. My only complaint is that there really is no penalty for just constantly spamming the spears instead of taking your time to aim. Maybe a reload time could fix that.

devizgl responds:


3D environment artist & game developer - I love nature and cute stuff!

Rick Hoppmann @tinyworlds

Age 29, Male

3D Environment Artis

Cologne Game Lab


Joined on 12/8/17

Exp Points:
97 / 100
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> 100,000
Vote Power:
3.48 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
11m 29d